Sunday, April 8, 2007


I haven't even went down to 10mg. yet I feel bugs crawling under my skin. My muscles want to uncontrollably want to contract. I have a little nausea going on here right now. Anger, ANGER, ANGER!!!! I am pissed off now with the whole damn thing. I am tired of withdrawals. They have been lasting longer than normal. I am ging to try to weather this out for another 10 minutes. If I don't feel any better, then I will take my daily dose. Just after I finished this last sentence, I broke down and took my daily dose of my Methadone. So much for will power. Will power is over-rated anyway. Time to go. Bye. Write at ya later. - Eric

No sleep

I wish I wanted to go to sleep. It's 3:00a.m. I'm not feeling good. I don't know how I am going to make it. Suicide anyone? It would be a whole lot better than going it alone. I had better try to get some sleep. Good night whoever you are.
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